Move an HTML element into a tab

To move an HTML element into a tab:

  1. Make sure the element that you want to show in a tab is visible on the page, outside of the tabs, and that it displays correctly.

  2. Determine the CSS selector for the element.

    For example, if it's a div element with an id of content-1234, like this:

    <div id="content-1234">

    Then you could use the selector #content-1234.

    The first element that is found using the selector will move into the tab.

    If you're not sure which selector to use, please ask your theme developer if the content is being added to the page by the theme, or ask the app developer if the content is being added to the page by an app.

  3. From the main menu in the Tabs Studio app, click Tabs.

  4. Create a new ProTab or click the title of the ProTab that you want to edit.

  5. Under Type, select Outside element.

  6. In the CSS selector field, enter the CSS selector for the HTML element that you want to move into the tab.

  7. Click Save.

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